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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SEL +stripes 6
SEMA circle & stripes 11
SENOSOFT WB +stripes 2
SEOGURU +circle & stripes 42
SEONA +stripes 11
SERENE +stripes 11
SERIDERM +stripes 5
SERVIER +sun & stripes 35, 41, 42
SESUPERMAX +stripes 11
SETHJEE sarees +stripes 24
SETSONS +stripes 20, 28
SEVEN DICE +stripes 25
SEVEN SILK +stripes 25
SEVIDA +stripes 5
SEZZEL +stripes & square 25
SF +stripes 6
SF AUTORIDE +stripes 9
SFA +stripes arrow & square 36
stripes 24
SFX +stripes 9
SG +arcs & stripes 18
SG +squares & stripes 24
SGI +stripes & oval 9, 37
SGPS +stripes 42
SGT POWER +stripes lightnin 9
SH +triangles & stripes 7
SH super HONDA +stripes 25
SHAAZ +stripes & squares 29
SHADE +stripes 42
SHAH +stripes 35
stripes 30
SHAI +oval & stripes 24
SHAKA +stripes 32
SHAKTHI +wheel & stripes 35
SHANKALA +arrows & stripes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41
stripes 37
SHANTI +squares & stripes 24
SHANTI GANGA +stripes squar 21
SHAPERS INFRA +stripes 37
SHAW +stripes 7
SHB +oval & stripes 12
SHEFFIELD CLASSIC +stripes 8, 11, 21
SHIFAI +oval & stripes 3
stripes 43
SHILPKALA +stripes 37
SHIMMER-N-STYLE +stripes 25
SHIPRA +man oval & stripes 34
SHIRCON +stripes 37
SHIV CRACKERS +stripes 13
SHOP 18 +stripes 16, 35, 38
SHOP MILLIONS +cart stripes 9
stripes 41
stripes 25
SHRADDHA +stripes 6
SHREE +arcs stripes & circl 41
SHREE AAS-TOSH +stripes 31
stripes 24
SHREE GANGA +stripes 11
SHREE NEWS +oval & stripes 41
SHREEPRIYA sarees +stripes 24
SHRI NEWS +oval & stripes 9
SHRI WIN +arcs stripes oval 36, 37
stripes 35
SHRI YOGI +stripes 5
SHRIMAN +stripes 25
SHRIMM +stripes & square 30, 33, 34
SHRINATHJI +stripes 39
SHRISTI +stripes 24
SHUBH RICH +stripes 8
stripes 30
SHYMOVA +star & stripes 7
SICAME +stripes & arcs 6, 9, 17
SICGILSOL +square & stripes 1, 5, 10, 35
SIDDHI COPIERS +stripes 42
SIDDHRAJ +stripes 37
SIGNAL +circles & stripes 33
SIKKANAM +stripes 21
SIKKANAM in tamil +stripes 27
SIKOF +stripes & drop 16, 29, 35
SIL BER +stripes 6
SILIKA +stripes 19
SILJY'S +face & stripes 44
SILTECH +stripes 9
SILVER BELL +stripes 9
SILVER CORE +stripes 5, 10
stripes 37
SILVER OAK +trees & stripes 43
SILVER TOUCH +stripes 21
SILVERCEM +stripes 19
SIMPLY +oval & stripes 29
SIMPLY THE BLUES +stripes 41
SIMPLY colors +stripes 18, 25, 35
SINGCHANA +stripes 41
SINGER +circles & stripes 9
SINGH POWER +stripes & arc 9
SINGH STORE +stripes 35
SINO-AQUA H +stripes 7
SIREHNA +stripes 9, 12, 37, 38, 41, 42
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